07.21.14: Here Comes The Judge

Tomorrow is Tuesday, July 22. Voting day for the runoff. There are several important contests: state school superintendent, Fulton County Commissioner, US Senate (won’t it be a relief when those ads are over with?!), Congress, Fulton County judge – and City of Roswell judge.

I admit that I’ve been pretty ambivalent about the whole concept of electing a judge for the city. I heard and understood the arguments that the city charter stipulates that our judge is elected, and I certainly respect that, but I couldn’t get over my feeling that a judge isn’t there to represent me: a judge is there to represent the law. And the law may not align with my interests if I’m caught speeding and my registration is expired, right? Plus, everything I know about judges I learned from the Three Stooges and Flip Wilson. How can I possibly make a good choice?

It’s a big responsibility to elect a judge, and we are the only Georgia municipality that elects one. We should all take that seriously. After thinking through what I’d hope for in a judge – someone who is completely unbiased and apart from other interests and influences; who knows the law; who is completely and solely committed to the job and to Roswell; who has the highest ethical standards – and after doing my research, I can say without reservation that the right choice for Roswell is Melanie Ellwanger. She’s got the work ethic, the experience, the values and integrity, the background – frankly, she’s got “the chops” to do us right and do us proud, the way we the people of Roswell want the job to be done. She’s got my vote, and I hope she’ll have yours.

Let’s have a good turnout tomorrow, Roswell. Let’s deserve the right to vote. It’s your voice … your vote … YOUR Roswell.

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