10.19.13: Dos and Don’ts

A good friend of mine is weary from dealing with the city and city council and feeling frustrated.  That sentence could be applied to many people in Roswell!  My friend shared with me her observations and suggestions for how to be an effective and honest city council representative.  It should be noted that these principles apply to many areas beyond City Council.

I check in with my friend frequently during the campaign to make sure I’m staying on track.  An overview of her thoughts follows:

1.  Remember whom you work for.  Elected city officials should never give up their responsibility to the people who voted them into office.

2.  Do your own research.  If you’re told that a certain plan is the only way to go, if you’re not presented with alternatives, then it’s your job to make sure you know the whole story.

3.  Speak out.  You have the power to bring people to the table.

4.  Don’t cut behind-the-scenes deals.  It will come back to haunt you.

5.  Don’t get bullied.  Speak with authority and stand up for what’s right.

6.  Don’t be a hypocrite.  Protect and follow the city’s ordinances and laws, and make decisions based on the best interests of the city.

What would you add to the list?  What do our representatives need to remember, and what have they forgotten?

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